Infiltrating the School System, Businesses and Your Home
This website is dedicated to the book The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry. Published in 2022, this 448-page book, perhaps the definitive work on psychiatry, addresses several essential and shocking issues related to psychiatry. These are little exposed or altogether unknown. Anyone involved with mental health care—and certainly social workers such as (general) practitioners, psychologists, nurses, social workers as well as psychiatrists themselves—should be well aware of this. And because of the far-reaching impact, members of parliament, legislators, judges, lawyers, forensic doctors, police officers, employers, teachers, and parents should also be familiar with this data.
An Exposé of Psychiatry
The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry is an exposé of psychiatry. Organized around ADHD, the book shows how arbitrary diagnoses are used to medicalize child behavior. The latter term refers to the process of viewing normal phenomena of human existence as medical issues or disorders. In that process, parents and teachers are led to believe that hard drugs such as methylphenidate could help the child, with all the risks that entails. This book not only pinpoints where the problem originates, but also suggests solutions for hyperactive children, their parents and teachers, and for those who want to help people with mental health issues.
The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry Can Affect YOU Too
However, The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry extends far beyond ADHD. In any mental health issue, the pattern followed of medicalizing, diagnosing, and drugging or otherwise treating is similar to that in ADHD. The well-documented and sometimes shocking facts presented in this book cast a new light on medicine and psychiatry, their alliance with the pharmaceutical industry, and the scientific underpinnings of psychiatric diagnoses and potentially very dangerous psychiatric treatments. These facts show that the hidden horrors of psychiatry can affect you too, professionally or privately, perhaps sooner than you might think
Psychiatry: Scientific Foundation Highly Questionable
The scientific foundation of common medical treatments is massively flawed. Only very few interventions (treatments) have a hard and irrefutable rationale. Of only 11% there exists unequivocal and conclusive scientific evidence for their efficacy (see the book Deadly Lies: How Doctors and Patients Are Deceived by C.F. van der Horst).
When it comes to the treatments of psychiatrists, the situation is even sadder. Did you know that their effectiveness and safety have never been demonstrated? No one has been able to validate psychiatric diagnoses and practices, whether psychotherapy, the use of psychopharmaceuticals or electroshock, with hard and irrefutable evidence. Any scientific validation is missing. The results in real-world situations, then, bear this out. The data and statistics in The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry show only too clearly the impact of psychiatric diagnoses and treatments on children and adults, families, businesses (many are employees, after all), society, and the national budget.
DSM: Arbitrariness at Its Finest
Whereas in most countries, such as France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the valid official classification, psychiatrists worldwide may also use the DSM as a guideline. Originating from the US, the DSM is psychiatry’s diagnostic book and has had a significant influence on the ICD. Did you know that none of the (many) diagnoses described in it have an indisputable if at all scientific basis? Almost without exception, they rely on assumptions and arbitrariness and the subjective interpretation of the psychiatrist. The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry describes in detail how this diagnostic manual developed. You will be amazed at what happened in the development of DSM-III (1980). This was a true ‘Putsch’ that changed psychiatry forever. If the consequences weren’t so terrible, it could be a farcical story in the vein of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale of the emperor’s clothes. Like the fairy tale, it is about using authority to manipulate people’s thinking, with no one daring to question anything.
The use of the DSM has implications not only for health care providers such as psychiatrists, physicians and psychologists but certainly for patients as well. And because children, too, are increasingly being slapped with a psychiatric label from the DSM, parents and teachers are being deceived by it as well.
Not only do the diagnoses set a stigma that is difficult to get rid of, but they also ensure that adults and children are exposed to potentially very dangerous psychiatric treatments. And by psychiatry’s model, these are often life sentences.
Psychiatry and Human Rights
What you discover about human rights in The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry will undoubtedly bewilder you. Practices such as the various shock therapies and brain surgeries (lobotomies) probably will turn your stomach. If you have a very strong stomach, you will see such an operation in progress here (absolutely not for children). Since its inception, psychiatry as a profession has been marked by a lack of integrity and human rights violations. The enumeration of abuses involving sometimes unsuspecting subjects (including children) is extensive and shocking. And they took place not only where you might expect them, such as in Nazi Germany, the old Soviet Union, or South Africa, but also in the US and Europe. In 2013, for example, a United Nations report described serious human rights violations within psychiatry.
The Alliance With the Pharmaceutical Industry
In the 1950s, psychiatry entered into an alliance with the pharmaceutical industry. The introduction of certain antidepressants in the 1980s, called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), intensified this collaboration. There is ample documentation that the pharmaceutical industry routinely lies and cheats and puts profits before people. It doesn’t shy away from falsifying ‘scientific’ studies. Medications are therefore presented as safer and more effective than they truly are.
Good Psychiatrists Suffer From the Bad Ones
Fortunately, there are also good psychiatrists who oppose the ‘obvious’ and haphazard prescription of psychopharmaceuticals (antidepressants, antipsychotics, anxiolytics and sleeping pills) and the human rights violations. However, they are a very small group and are fighting against an overwhelming majority of psychiatrists who, on the basis of the manipulated studies of the pharmaceutical industry, prescribe ineffective and potentially very dangerous medication and/or employ electroshock. They deserve support because it is unfair to lump them under the same heading as their professional brethren who do use harmful procedures and/or medication under the guise of ‘therapy.’
The Author
The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry (2022) is the second book by C.F. van der Horst. His first book, Deadly Lies: How Doctors and Patients Are Deceived (2018 in the US), proved to be way ahead of its time, as that exposé described the blueprint for policy during the corona crisis. Van der Horst, a former physical therapist, is known for his thorough research; the information offered in The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry is well supported with over 880 verifiable references.
Get informed about ‘The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry.’ Get your copy today.
Read more in ‘The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry’
The above text uses quotes from and is based on the book The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry. This 482-page reference work contains excellently documented information on psychiatric diagnoses and treatments and their effects on children and adults. It is essential for physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, legislators, parliamentarians, judges, lawyers, forensic doctors, police officers, employers, remedial educators, teachers, and parents, among others. You will get answers to questions such as:
- What is the scientific underpinning of medicine in general and psychiatry in particular?
- What is the difference between academic and commercial science?
- What is the DSM, how has this book evolved, and what impact has it had on diagnoses?
- What was the “Putsch” that resulted in DSM-III and changed psychiatry forever
- How are psychiatric diagnoses made?
- What is the history of psychiatry?
- Who turned psychiatry into a materialistic ideology by stating that man is only an animal and that his mental faculties are in the brain?
- What is biological psychiatry?
- What about psychodynamic psychiatry?
- How has the alliance between psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry affected mental health care?
- What about the safety and efficacy of psychopharmaceuticals?
- By what three developments can you judge the efficacy of psychiatric diagnoses and therapies?
- What are the various shock therapies and what is the underlying rationale for employing them?
- What are the dangers of electroshock?
- What is the relationship between psychiatric treatment and suicide and homicide?
- What has psychiatry done globally and systematically—up to the present day—in terms of human rights violations?
- What can benevolent psychiatrists do to prevent harmful ‘therapies’ by their colleagues?
- What is the relationship between deteriorating education and the diagnoses of children?
- What is ADHD and what can be done about it without heavy medication?
- What is the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)?
- How can the CRPD signify the end of psychiatry as we know it today?
- What can you do to help your child learn better?
- How can you help family, friends, or employees with mental health problems?
Get informed. Order The Hidden Horrors of Psychiatry on Amazon today. This reference work is available as hardcover, paperback and kindle.